To borrow materials from the Central University of Technology (CUT) Library, follow these general steps:
1. Eligibility to Borrow
- Ensure you are a registered student, staff member, or approved external member with borrowing privileges.
2. Locate the Material
- Use the library catalog (accessible online via the CUT Library website) to search for books, journals, or other materials.
- Note the call number (shelf location) of the item you want.
3. Visit the Library
- Go to the CUT Library and locate the material on the shelves using the call number.
- If you cannot find the material, ask a librarian for assistance.
4. Check Out the Material
- Take the item to the circulation desk with your student or staff card.
- The library staff will assist you with the borrowing process.
5. Loan Period and Limits
- Loan Period: Check how long you can keep the borrowed material. Loan periods may vary depending on the type of material (e.g., short-loan, general loan, staff members, and researchers ).
- Borrowing Limits: There may be limits on the number of items you can borrow at a time, which vary by membership type (students, staff, etc.).
6. Return and Renewals
- Return: Return materials on or before the due date to avoid fines.
- Renewals: Renew items if you need more time, either online through your library account or at the circulation desk (provided no one else has requested the item).
7. Fines and Penalties
- Late returns will incur fines.
8. Special Borrowing Services
- Interlibrary Loans: If the CUT Library doesn’t have the material you need, they may borrow it from another library on your behalf. This service, however, caters specifically to postgraduate
- Reserve Items: Some materials are kept on reserve and have restricted loan periods (e.g., a few hours or overnight).